Our Approach

How we collaborate

An integrated approach
Together, these work streams are designed to address different touch points and levers that can collectively contribute to supporting a Decent Rural Living for workers in the palm sector.
Growers will work with relevant organisation and experts to improve worker’s rights and support thriving rural communities.
The growers will help improve workers’ rights by strengthening collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) in collaboration with GAPKI and ILO, as well as supporting related social dialogue processes; the family well-being component is intended to generate learning that can feed into the CBA process; and the ICT piece is poised to serve as an enabler for improving workers’ awareness of their rights, online education as well as supporting alternative livelihoods.
Piloting small projects and gaining insights about what works, and what doesn’t, that can be replicated across our operations and the broader industry.
The intention, across all work streams, is to identify potential gaps and opportunities to replicate solutions across the industry. This will involve bringing together key stakeholders and brands to help fund a deep dive exploration into what might work and experimenting how to scale innovative solutions.
Implementation strategies
Implementation strategies will be designed to ensure that they can be effectively cascaded to tier 2 and 3 suppliers. They will be additionally aligned to address existing impact measurements across the value chain and assessed in accordance to their impact.
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